Thursday, January 29, 2009


I swung by SCRAP this week after a shoot and there was all kinds of new graffiti up across the street. This one contains a message to the store. I felt lucky to have my camera with me. The thing with graffiti/tagging is that people are always going around painting over it, so you never know how long it's going to be there. I've been wanting to get a compact camera to have with me when I'm out running around so I can take shots of all the things that catch my eye.

And what is "SCRAP" you ask? Well, SCRAP is an acronym for:

Center for

I think the name says it all. I was there looking for backdrops for my studios and for props for an upcoming shoot. For $1 I got two old Simplicity patterns for kids, a plastic Bavarian doll, and a child's size straw purse. I resisted the 45's for 25 cents each and the buttons that were 75 cents/scoop. I didn't find any good backdrops, but, as it always happens when I go to this place, I bumped into someone I knew.

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