I was shooting a cute almost four-year-old boy in a park in the China Basin area earlier this week. While shooting, a man walked up behind the boy holding up a piece of art, just beaming. I looked at it, gave an approving nod, and moved on with my shoot. He continued to hold up the piece and finally instructed me to take a picture of the art, saying I would be "famous" for doing so. How, I'm not quite sure. Anyway, the art appears to me as animated sacks of flour with legs. Upon closer examination, someone had scribbled notes which seemed intentionally misspelled and someone had crossed out the artist's signature, adding his own. If anyone knows anything about the artist, please write in!
Now, about the boy - uh, when you look up "energy" in the dictionary, you'll find his picture. He really wore out mom and me. But, for better or worse, I like to let kids be silly and do their own thing while I wait for what I need. In the end, the old "your mommy's not going to tickle me is she?" worked like a charm.

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