I've been photographing Lucy since she was a toddler--both for her headshots and for editorial work with Baby Couture magazine. I'm never disappointed with the images I get from my sessions with her! She is signed with Models, Inc. in San Francisco.
I had a session last week with a little boy who is with Stars Agency in San Francisco. We shot on location in Pacifica where we had it all: beach, woods, urban...
I was so impressed with his positive attitude and involvement in the process. Not to mention his gorgeous green eyes!
The floral spring dresses and fancy hair bows are cast off after the shoot, and the model romps around her apartment in her underwear (shots of girls in floral dresses and fancy hair bows will follow).
Anyone who has worked with me knows that I am an available light photographer and do most of my work out-of-doors. So, it's kind of funny that mother nature decided to send some heavy rain my way for my first shoot in my new studio. The rain put me in a moody state of mind and I think it shows in these portraits!