Sunday, November 29, 2009

livie luca free shipping

Livie and Luca


the shadows of a ficus tree on my living room wall


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

small shoes

Check-out these adorable Russian Doll shoes by Bay Area based Live & Luca, and watch for this ad in the next Small Magazine.  I'm proud to have Live & Luca as one of my clients.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

parenting model search

Parenting Magazine is having their annual model search!  Lots of prizes and a chance to win a one-year contract with Ford Models.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

j. jones

I decided to start taking tutoring sessions for photography. As a self-taught photographer, the learning process can be slow at times.  I've got some technical issues I need to address, and have been feeling a  bit stagnant due to these limitations. So, a friend hooked me up with J. Jones.  We had our first session today and it was quite enlightening.  Here are some pictures of him I took while we were exploring some different focusing options.    The shots were taken indoors in fairly low light. 

Monday, November 9, 2009

a time for speeches

To view the gallery, click on the image below.

The San Francisco Organizing Project met on November 8th at the Jones Memorial Church  to discuss healthcare, immigration, and education.  Many city supervisor were present, as well as school groups, churches, and community leaders.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

the golden hour

I was helping my son with a photo project and we were scrambling to get his shots before sunset.  He was doing most of the photography, but I guess I took this one of him to check test the camera settings for him.  Anyway, I stumbled across the shot today while working on something else and was kind of startled at how lovely the light is at sunset.  I mean, everyone knows it's a great time to shoot but the focus of our shoot was on landscape/nature, so I'd overlooked this image previously.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

halloween masterpiece

By far the best Halloween decoration I saw last night.  This reworking of the Mona Lisa was displayed on the outside of a house very near Cortland in Bernal Heights, San Francisco.